
Unique Touch Experience.

PAU LINIMENT has become very popular because people notice its effects on application.
Once used, consumers experience a soothingly cool sensation. This lasts for about 10 to 15 minutes. This is followed by a deeper, penetrating warmth that extends beyond 2 hours and more.

Its soothing coolness, lingering penetrating warmth, and aromatic scent is also useful for helping people relax. This relaxation is necessary for stress relief and relief from abdominal pain caused by poor digestion. The anti-inflammatory effect of PAU LINIMENT is also useful in bringing down the swelling caused by insect bites and minor scratches and abrasions.

PAU LINIMENT boosts the benefits of massage and the healing properties of touch and personal contact.

Effective Pain Relief.

PAU LINIMENT, unlike other topical pain relievers, contains more than just pain distracting agents or chemicals.

It's cooling and warming oils stimulate the nerves under the skin to start masking the pain within the first 5 minutes of application while its phytonutrients penetrate the skin.  These phytonutrients contain flavonoids, quinones, and quercetin that are effective anti-inflammatory agents. 

These bring down the swelling and inflammation in tender tissues, sore muscles, and painful joints that help bring down the pain you feel.

You get pain relief that is both immediate and effectively longer lasting.